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100 years of royal photographs go on display at The King’s Gallery in Edinburgh


The April/May 2025 issue of Discover Britain is here!

This issue we’e exploring the beautiful county of Warwickshire, which Shakespeare called home
A thatched cottage in Welford-on-Avon in Warwickshire


A new exhibition explores the mystery of the Arnish Moor Man, preserved in a peat bog for 250 years

A new exhibition on the Isle of Lewis explores the mystery of the Arnish Moor Man, the murder victim buried in a peat bog for 250 years, whose remarkably preserved body was discovered in 1964
Knitted bonnet and personal belongings discovered on Arnish Moor, Lewis, 18th century


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Stonehaven: Serenity by the sea

The pretty seaside town of Stonehaven is worth visiting in all weathers, says author Sarah Forbes-Stewart, who grew up there and was inspired by her hometown
Stonehaven, Scotland